Friday, May 23, 2008



When you truly love someone, you become one with them. ? You want to share everything with them. Love and light operates on the basis of Loving and Sharing. Lovi ng and Caring to cover all of mankind .
But most people confuse liking and love. Because of this their love becomes conditional. Most human practice conditional love at all times. This kind of love is the same emotion as liking a person and comes from the ego. As we all know the ego is very controlling and negative. Because of this habit of the ego we forget love and start controlling the loved one. The belief of humans is I AM PERFECT, that is why I want to change you and to make you perfect just like me otherwise I cannot love you. The lover and the loved ones both believe this and in the battle of changing each other slowly start hating each other, then the love is lost. Indifference and hate, take the place of love.


Swami Yogaratna said...

Very TRUE!

Unknown said...

Good Afternoon Mrs Sen,
I discovered your blog today and I went 30yrs back to SJSHS.
In our Society we do arrange marriage and this is conditional(Liking). After spending few months and knowing each other this conditional becomes unconditional(Love).
What i want to add is that by understanding each other liking can be easliy converted to Love. Not much effort is required.

Shivprasad Sunke