One day, I was taking a lesson in biology and going through the water cycle, the food cycle, the nitrogen cycle, etc., all about matter being used for rebirth, all about God’s recycling habit, without wasting anything.
As my students got busy with some written work, some pictures in the textbook caught my eye, and my imagination took flight.
I saw a picture of a bird, a flower and a gazelle. Suddenly, I felt my body had made the bird, and there was I, flying high, soaring into infinity. I looked at the flower and found such beauty, which was me and suddenly, a thought came, “But you’re ugly. Are flowers ugly or only beautiful?”
And I was so proud that God had recycled me into a flower. The gazelle leaping and bounding gave me so much pride that my old body had been transformed into a gazelle running with the wind.
Dear God, you have used all of me for rebirth. You have shown me, because of this recycling there is rebirth and this rebirth makes me eternal. However, why did I ever doubt it, because I am in your Divine image, and Divinity means that which never changes. Divinity is eternal. I am eternal.
I came back down to earth and continued teaching the lesson, but with a new insight, a spiritual one.
One day, I was going through pictures of my family in the family album, and once again, my imagination took flight. I got a message which I am sharing with all of you: that we never die, through our children we are eternal. How?
Through our genes, through our thought processes, at the time of pregnancy, at the time of birth, with living together, we send signals to our children, to fulfil our wishes for the sake of continuity and wish fulfilment of the parent. I know I’ve subconsciously fulfilled so many of my parents’ wishes, by picking up where they had left in their growth. I can see the same with my children.
Each child of mine has completed a wish of mine, communicated through my thought process. I can see it---a wish for wealth, a wish for beauty, a wish to be able to sing well, a wish to be an intellectual, a wish to be a career woman, a wish for all my children to travel on the spiritual path. Whatever are their unfulfilled wishes will be carried on by their children, and so on and so forth. And the consciousness that is in all of us shall carry on through me, my children and their children. Life is eternal. Not only that, O Lord, I am using all of this as a proof, to prove to me, that I am eternal. But all I have to do is to believe in my Divinity and bask in the gift of eternity.
Dear God, in my rebirth, may I be a flower, a bird or a gazelle....or am I already that?
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