March is a month of rebirth, of spring, of blossoming and flowering. It is also a month in India where you play with color, you have huge bonfires to celebrate the arrival of spring, and maybe in these bonfires, you can throw in all the darkness of the winter months. So, it is again, a rebirth.
Can we have a rebirth of perception? Would you agree with me if I were to say, “perception is each man’s personal viewpoint, and his way of viewing things?” But this viewpoint, or perception, can be changed, that is called a shift, through meditation, insight and also, imagination. In this space today, I am writing about ‘to be blessed,’ is a daily gift, an opportunity, that God gives us, but we do not see it, we go to churches, temples, etc., we go on pilgrimages to collect blessings and merits, when this facility is at our doorstep.
One morning, my car stopped at the traffic lights and a little beggar boy knocked on the glass of the car door, asking fro alms. I made a grimace, tried to shoo him away, and thought to myself, “My day is ruined.” Imagination knocked at my brain. “Imagine, if you were that boy!” My heart filled with gratitude and I thanked the Lord that here was I, enjoying the comforts of life, with everything to be grateful for, and here was this boy, who had nothing.
I looked at him with an attitude of gratitude, and I looked into his eyes, and I found in them, the light of compassion and joy. My day was made, at meeting this boy, feeling gratitude and joy in my life. The sacred touched me.
Next day, I met the boy again. This time, I wanted to give him a gift, but of course, I couldn’t give him money, he would use it for all the wrong things! I was the moralistic, rich man, who took paperclips and pens and writing paper from the office, but the little beggar boy had to be the keeper of morals.
I had taken a packet of biscuits to give to him and when he knocked on the window pane, I handed the biscuits to him, he gave a whoop of delight, cart wheeled and thanking me, ran to the other side of the road. My day filled with joy at his delight. “Thank you, Lord, for giving me this fantastic experience.”
On the third day, I met this boy again. And this time, I wanted to share my love and energy and I wanted to trust him to use my money wisely for his happiness. His cup was a temple of God into which I was going to put my cash offering, my small tithe. I dropped the coins into the cup, he looked at me with so much love, the energy we exchanged was so charged with the Divine and his words of “thank you” touched my heart. God sent me a message, “Did you know that you can buy blessings for two rupees every day?”
All this never happened. But, at a satsang one night, somebody asked the teacher, “Why has God made beggars?” This question is asked so often. At that moment, my imagination held sway, my perception changed, and my mind gave birth to this story. Today, in this Divine space, I want to share this story with you. And I too, am going to buy blessings every day, would you like to join me?